Q & A

Here we have some commonly asked questions that we have received.

Does LoopIn have an office location?
At the moment, LoopIn is fully operated remotely.
Is LoopIn free?
Yes, LoopIn is free to use.
How does the LoopIn generator work?
The LoopIn generator compiles your answers and then matches you with cafes that hold those characteristics.
Can I create a LoopIn account?
At the moment, we have not set up login functionality.
Can I save the locations the generator gives me?
At the moment, users are unable to save locations given by generator. You will have to note them down.
How can my blog be featured?
Click on "Contact" and let us know you have a blog post you would like to be featured! From there, the team will contact you with further information.
Can I leave reviews on locations I visit?
At the moment, as we are still in beta, this feature is not available. It is something that the team is looking to explore in the near future.
Have a different question?
Click on "Contact" and shoot us an email.