

Sometimes people just want to explore. However, it isn't always easy to find places when you are tryng to look for niche features instead of just distance. Perhaps people want an outdoor spot, good study area, or even just satisfy a mood. Findng the right place is important to satisfy these need. This tends to be a big thing when it comes to cafes. Theres different cafes for different norms so there should be something available to loop in.


LoopIn is a generator that displays cafes near you based on what you selected from the prompts available to you. This generator is intended to help users tap into what they are looking for in a cafe and really find that. When generating the cafes near you, LoopIn will display a map view - helping individuals visually.


Within this space, there is currently Google Maps and Apple Maps. However, these apps only have filters based on price and distance. They do not have any sort of navigation that allows you to analyze the features of cafes. Making it difficult to know what it's like unless you've been there.

Impact & Vision

Through this generator, I hope to help individuals find the right cafe, at the right time, in the right place. My vision for the future involves the expansion of this generator onto mobile. On top of that, I hope to be able to incorporate a reviews section to really have data that backups certain cafes being under certain categories.

Clip from Me