Group Website Pitch


What is the problem or need the site is addressing?

The world currently is in a technology craze. With new technology like computers, phones, and the all-powerful ChatGPT, it’s no wonder that technology is the world’s biggest industry. However, with such a fast rise to the top, technology has people stumped as to how it works or what it even is. Nonetheless, it seems like everyone is getting involved in technology and coding, whether that be pursuing a degree in it or learning it on the side, without actually knowing what coding is.


How will the website solve the problem

The goal of this website is to create a website where students can learn what exactly coding is, what its role in technology is, and how they can get started learning about coding. By presenting information in a relatable and easy-to-understand way, the website will aim to make coding feel less like a distant alien planet and more like a reachable goal. In addition to educating students, the website will aim to provide a basic roadmap on how to get started with coding. For example, if a business student is interested in learning about coding, the website could point them to learning python for a future in data science or visual basic for Excel macros.


What is currently in that space?

While there are plenty of websites that explain what coding is in simple terms and give breakdowns of what some of the popular coding languages are, none of them seem tailored for students or even offer a reasonable place/way to get started. After explaining, many of them say one can watch Youtube or look online or download apps, but that doesn’t offer much when it comes to actually starting to learn. This website would instead offer specific places to get started learning.

Impact and Vision

What change or impact do you hope the site will have made?

I hope that the impact will be big on the student community. With our school starting to offer so many vital, new, and intriguing areas of study like the ITP department or IYA here, this website would be the perfect place for students to find out all about that in one place. If this website could inspire just a few students every year to pick up coding, that would be a job well done.