Week 9: DEMO

jQuery Basics

jQuery is a JavaScript library that was designed to make manipulation of DOM elements easier. It simplifies the syntax and amount of code required to perform a variety of tasks. It's also the basis for a myriad of other libraries that have been built on top of its functionalities.

Selecting HTML Objects with jQuery


addClass() / removeClass()

Click this to add styles to the middle div.
The appearance of this div will change when adding and removing a CSS class.
Click this to remove styles from the middle div.



Click this div to toggle the CSS styles on and off.



Click this div to add more content at the end of its current content.

    $(this).append("Here's some more stuff for ya! ");


Click this div to add more content above its current content.

    $(this).prepend("Here's some more stuff for ya! ");

fadeIn() / fadeOut()

Click this to fade in the center div.
Click this to fade out the center div.



Click this to fade in the div on the right.


slideDown() / slideUp()

Click this to slide down the center div.
Click this to slide up the center div.



Click this to slide the div on the right up and down.

