Week 1: Assignment #01

Create Your Class Page

DUE: Tuesday, 1/17 @ 5pm

  1. Create a new html file named "classpage.html".
  2. Add your name, email address, your major, and a list of links to your 5 favorite websites.
  3. Prepare two areas for lists of future links: one area for labs, and one area for assignments. Add links to the labs from week 1.
  4. Style the page with your favorite colors and varying font sizes.
  5. Use FileZilla to connect to the class web server, and navigate into your "acad275" folder.
  6. Upload your classpage.html file into the "acad275" folder.

Upload your completed assignment by the due date specified above and make sure that you add a working link to it on your class page, otherwise it will not be reviewed and you will not receive credit. If you expect to be late submitting an assignment, you need to email the instructor and grader prior to the deadline to notify them of the late submission, then later follow up once your assignment has been completed, uploaded, and linked from your class page. The latest a late assignment can be submitted is a week after its origin due date.